Kathy Griffin Brags About Being ‘Un-Cancelled’ – ‘America Has Decided To Forgive Me’

The radically liberal comedian is claiming that she has been “un-cancelled” six years after she posed with the simulated severed head of the then-President Donald Trump for a photoshoot, going so far as to allege that “America has decided to forgive” her.

Gee, I wonder why? Maybe it’s because she doesn’t have any? 🤔 @kathygriffin pic.twitter.com/3vfVhieyEy— ᗩℓιѕѕα♡ (@Alissa4TheUSA) January 29, 2024

Griffin Claims She’s Been ‘Un-Cancelled’

Griffin, 63, is preparing to launch her “My Life on the PTSD List” tour tonight in Des Moines, Iowa before heading to Omaha, Nebraska tomorrow night. Ahead of these shows, Griffin told the Omaha World Herald that she’s spent the past years trying to get “un-cancelled,” and that she feels that she’s finally achieved her goal.

“It’s almost like America has decided to forgive me,” she said. “And I don’t know why, but I don’t care. I’m just glad to be back.”

Griffin named her tour “My Life on the PTSD List” because she bizarrely believes that she is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, something that 23% of military veterans actually suffer from, over the fallout from her Trump photo.

“I thought you have to be like a combat veteran, but apparently you can get PTSD from, you know, when the president comes down on you and you’re on the no-fly list,” she said.

Griffin went on to blame the Trump photo fallout for the prescription pill addiction that she developed afterwards. She was then diagnosed with lung cancer, and while she is now cancer free, she has been left with just half a lung on her left side.

“I’ve got stories,” she said. “(At the show) we’re going to talk about addiction and cancer and all the crazy stuff I do for my PTSD where I just look like a crazy person.”

How fun…not!

NEW: ‘Comedian’ Kathy Griffin says she moos like a cow and meows like a cat to deal with her “PTSD” from Donald Trump.Griffin is a good example of why we need to bring insane asylums back.While speaking with Vulture, Griffin says she makes the noises during yoga class to get… pic.twitter.com/qCc0GWlCyx— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 24, 2023

Related: Kathy Griffin Begs Fans To Come To Her Comedy Shows – Admits Tickets Are ‘Not Selling Well’

Griffin Claims Her Show Isn’t A ‘Trump Dump’

Griffin added that much of her show is improvisational, so she’s not exactly sure where it will go. Though she has spent the last few years obsessively bashing Trump every chance she gets, she claims that her new show will not be a “Trump dump.”

“As of now, I don’t even mention Trump in my new show,” she said. “He just kind of doesn’t come up.”

Given the fact that Trump is still living rent-free in her head, however, that’s a bit hard to believe.

Griffin concluded by expressing her hopes that those who attend her show will keep an open mind.

“Chicks are funny. Don’t believe the hype, it’s an old wives’ tale that they’re not funny” she said. “I just want to get out there and spew as much funny and give the audience a good time, an escape (and) a relief.”

Watch out Hartford! Kathy Griffin will be at The Bushnell on Feb 16 for her newest tour “My Life On The PTSD-List” 🤣 Tickets go on sale November 17 at 10am! Get them online or through our box office at 860.987.5900 ✨ You won’t want to miss this! pic.twitter.com/HxukAGlDU4— The Bushnell (@TheBushnell) November 13, 2023

Related: Truth Behind Kathy Griffin’s Bitter Divorce Is Revealed

Griffin Begs Fans To Buy Tickets

Unfortunately for Griffin, however, it appears that she does not have much of an audience left. Earlier this week, she resorted to begging fans to buy tickets to her show after admitting that they are “not selling well.”

“I’m gonna be honest with you guys. I had another voice surgery two days ago, so my voice is sounding better, I think. And yet, I have COVID and I’m heartbroken because I’m getting divorced,” Griffin said in a desperate video posted to social media. “It’s all about the tour, man. Just freaking get me to opening night in Des Moines. And Omaha is not selling well. First of all, there’s not enough people there.”

“I need comedy fans to come out and see me in Kansas City,” she continued. “Come on! I need sell-outs. I’ve been through hell. I’ve been through so much crap since my last tour. I actually just have to laugh at it. I just have to laugh. So please…”

Probably because YOU ARE NOT FUNNY 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡@kathygriffin https://t.co/bFc8rQagNA— Kymberly (@Kymberl08342391) January 30, 2024

In the wake of Griffin’s Trump severed head photo scandal, millions saw how not funny she really is. Griffin can continue to play the victim and lie to herself all she wants to, but judging by her abysmal ticket sales, it’s clear that America has not actually forgiven her after all.

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